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The "Christmas Party" Sitting

Rare recordings of spirit people speaking through the mediumship of Minnie Harrison - trumpet voices, deep trance and in fully materialised ectoplasmic bodies

Life After Death

The "Christmas Party" Sitting with Minnie Harrison 5th January 1954

The Saturday Night Club

PRICE: £8.00

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This disc has been made to share with you albeit in sound only the thrill and excitement which pervaded the Harrison home circle sittings every week for many years from April 1946.

At a period when tape recorders were still in their infancy and extremely expensive, on 5th of January 1954, a very good friend of the Harrison family, Jim McKenzie was kind enough to record the 1½ to 2 hours of the sitting that evening and it is extracts from that recording which are on this disc.

As recorders then were reel-to-reel type it means that subsequent re-recordings are second or third generation recordings and the sound quality and continuity may be slightly impaired. You will hear some of Tom’s running commentary during that sitting and his further comments later which we trust will be helpful.
After Tom’s initial introduction you will hear through the trumpet the main circle guide and doorkeeper a North American Indian, Sunrise, who had been attached to Minnie Harrison for many years. You will then hear 4 of the 6 spirit people who spoke through the trumpet that night. Unfortunately, the resonance of the aluminium of the trumpet does create some distortion which affects the clarity.

Then you will hear the voices of 4 of the 7 materialised spirit people, who stood amongst the circle members and their guests that night, clearly seen in the red light and clearly heard through the hand-held microphone, which Tom held in front of them as they stood there, exactly as a radio interviewer would do.

Tom's Introduction audio clip

Track 6 - Sunrise (the spirit guide) introduction to James Andrew

Track 6 - James Andrew (trumpet voice) speaks to Tom

Track 11 - Granny Lumsden, materialised, speaks with a lady visitor and Tom ('Mac' doing the recording was her next door neighbour)

Track 13 - Aunt Agg, materialised, speaks in her best London accent

Divided into 17 tracks

Total playing time 77 minutes

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