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More Light

Further spirit communications from
Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson

More Light

More Light

Received and recorded by Anthony Borgia

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"This is a book to shake your beliefs or confirm your 'gut' feelings!"

"A challenging but comforting book."


This is the second of three books from Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, following his very popular descriptions of "Life in the World Unseen." These amazing spirit scripts were received clairaudiently by his friend, Anthony Borgia. Benson, a distinguished priest in the early days of the 20th Century, discovered, when he arrived in the World of Spirit, the inaccuracy of the Church's statements in the 'creeds'. He explains Jesus' 'miracles' and condemns the woefully inapt prayers used in the Burial Service and the lack of support for those in mourning. In these pages he suggests how it is necessary to develop our latent psychic powers so that we might communicate freely with our loved ones as was always intended.

It is almost 75 years since these books were first published but help is still needed for those devotees still here on Earth overcome the terror of what they imagine awaits them after death.

In More Light, Monsignor Benson says "Death is not an opponent or an enemy; it is a natural process, the operation of a natural law . . . Orthodoxy is two thousand years behind the times. It has lived in its narrow, restricted little theological world of creeds and dogmas and doctrines, blindly leading the blind deeper and deeper into the morass of spiritual ignorance . . . allowing myriads of people to pass into the spirit world in profound ignorance and fear of what awaits them in these peerless lands.

"The physical body is the only part of man that is perishable. All the rest of him is imperishable. However low he may sink spiritually, yet he cannot perish."

Product Details
  • Paperback: 152 pages
  • Publisher: Saturday Night Press Publications
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-908421-42-5
  • Price: £9.50(UK),  $14.00(US)
  • Also available in digital format as an e-book

1. Orthodoxy
2. Miracles
3. Miracles Concluded
4. Burial Service
5. Creeds
6. Creeds Continued
7. Creeds Concluded
8. An Average Person (a little allegory)

On communication he says:

It was never part of the scheme of things that our two worlds, yours and ours, should be separated, as it were, into two compartments forever shut off from each other from sight and sound. The means have always existed whereby the people of the world in which I live could communicate with the people of the world in which you live. But Orthodoxy, in one form or another, has tried to eliminate spiritual intercourse, or to prevent it, by suppressing the instruments whereby such communication is effected. Orthodoxy was not successful—and never will be. The spirit world is vastly stronger than Orthodoxy, and will ever be so.

Now it should be emphasised at once that these psychic abilities are perfectly natural things. They are inherent in every human being born upon earth. Through long years of disuse, they have not atrophied; they are still there, but they are dormant and therefore need 'bringing out' by proper development.

Extracts from 'Miracles'

It has been aptly remarked that a man is at the mercy of his biographer. … It is when the writer begins to draw upon his own imagination and ascribe motives for which there is no substantiation that the trouble begins.

If inaccuracies can occur in the writing of a biography of an unimportant person on earth, how is the life of Jesus affected, the most famous of all biographies, for so in part it can be styled? Now I know what some of my friends will say at once: … The New Testament is an inspired work, inspired moreover, by none other than God Himself. Whatever appears in it, therefore, must be the truth.

If that were really so, then there would be nothing more for me to say, but it is not so. The New Testament is not inspired by God. A primary acquaintance with a few of the laws of the spirit world will easily and quickly demonstrate that.

Among the early revelations which come to ministers of the Church of whatever denomination when they come to live in these lands are the revelations by which, through their very life here, they are enabled to assess the New Testament at its true evaluation.

Never did a biography labour under such a terrible handicap as does that which contains the life of Jesus, and that handicap might be described as a tragic and lamentable misconception. …

The seeming miracles which Jesus is reputed to have performed are in reality, not miracles at all, in the generally accepted sense of the term, but the utilising of natural forces. If those particular acts of Jesus which are denominated miracles are regarded as acts performed by Jesus as God made man, then such acts can have little or no meaning for humanity in this present year of your earthly time. …

But to the psychic student these acts of Jesus present a very different picture. They cease to be local and contemporary, and they become a record, lacking in anything like voluminous detail, it is true, but a valuable record, nevertheless, of the 'power of the spirit', of the use of natural forces through a human instrument trained to absolute perfection in the exercise of psychic abilities.

Monsignor's 'Digression' in the 'Miracles' Chapter:

During those days on earth I never dreamed that one simple text from that very book, upon which so many people place such complete reliance, literally held the clue to the whole of life on earth as it is concerned with the life in these lands.

Whatever a man sows upon earth that will he reap in the spirit world. Such is a full statement of the text. That is the law. The great, inescapable, inevitable, infallible law of cause and effect. It is minutely exact and perfect in its operation. It is incorruptible; there is no bribery that will touch it; no privilege can lodge a claim against it. It operates alike upon all men, regardless of age or sex, regardless of social position; regardless of occupation. Whether 'king or commoner', cleric or layman, rich or poor, all come alike under the supreme law of cause and effect, and it acts in exactly the same manner with each individual.

There is no deviation, or variation. It is constant and invariable, precise and exact. It cannot be tampered with; it cannot be evaded through the supposed offices of another person of whatever spiritual status. It is unremitting and unrelenting. It permits the exercise of no mercy. It is frigidly just. Indeed, it is justice itself. It needs no administration. It administers itself, truly, absolutely, and irrevocably. The whole is comprehended in that one brief text: Whatsoever a man soweth, that also shall he reap.

On many, many occasions did I see those words, but never did I realise their true meaning—just as I have this minute given it to you.

An extract from 'Creeds'

There is a passage in the Scriptures which says, What doth it profit though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? Can faith save him? Later on is written that faith without works is dead.

The question naturally arises: faith in what or whom? Faith in the existence of God, perhaps? Or faith in some particular brand of religion?

Though the Church will emphasise that faith without works is a perilous situation for any man to be in, yet it would unhesitatingly declare that works without faith is altogether fatal. That means not only faith in the existence of God, but a belief in all the doctrines as set forth in the various clauses of the creeds. …

One Church asserts that all that is necessary for 'salvation' is contained within the Scriptures. In fact, according to the same Church's teachings, the whole of man's life in the 'hereafter' is dependent upon 'salvation.'

It is not what a man believes during his earthly life that counts: it is his actions and their motives upon which the great assessment takes place. If he does spiritually well, and yet does not believe in God, it is his spiritual performance that counts—and always will count.

Every man is his own saviour. Salvation is by personal effort alone. I am using the word salvation, not in its theological sense, but in the sense that a person must carve out his own spiritual destiny, though he will always be under the care and guidance of wiser spiritual beings.

When the atheist arrives in the spirit world he receives a shock, but his shock is, in many respects and upon many occasions, no worse, frequently less, than that experienced by many a cleric, for, from the spiritual standpoint, to believe in no God is no worse than to believe in the strange God of Orthodoxy. …The existence of the Father needs no proof in these realms. The fact is evident upon every hand in an immense variety of ways.

And one final excerpt from 'Creeds'

… The belief that the Father created all things visible and invisible is at once open to objection, and very serious objection.

First, of things visible. What of the hideous things and hideous places upon earth? What of those blots upon the face of the earth, for example, the hovels known as slum dwellings? Are they made by the Father? Yet the creed says all things visible.

The answer is an obvious one, as doubtless many will at once retort. Such disgraces are the work of man, and of man alone. Precisely. That is why the creed says that the Father is maker of all things visible. It is, in fact, but another example of the tortuous ways of Orthodoxy, namely, to state one thing, but to mean at the same time diametrically the opposite.

You will perhaps recall the observation which I once made to you upon that particular sentence of the Lord's prayer Lead us not into temptation. The Church (I then observed) would remark that no one in his sane senses would ever believe that God could lead any person into temptation. Then why state one thing and mean precisely the opposite? Social and other affairs would end in chaos if such methods were to be adopted in ordinary earthly intercourse.

The handiwork of man is spread throughout the surface of the earth, and is obviously of human design and origin, and equally obviously not of God's making. What, then, of all things invisible? Here, you will say, I am on ground upon which the Church does not tread. What of creation in the spirit world? In this I give you of my experiences, but as they are also the experiences of millions upon millions of other folk here, then you will perceive that I am stating facts. — They are facts, and not just beliefs.

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