Facts: More spirit communications from Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson
Received and recorded by Anthony Borgia
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Anthony Borgia
This book, the first of three following the very popular descriptions of "Life in the World Unseen," contains spirit scripts received clairaudiently by Anthony Borgia from Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, a friend of his schooldays. Benson, a distinguished priest in the early days of the 20th Century, discovered, when he arrived in the World of Spirit, the woeful inaccuracy of the Church's teachings in this world. Whilst, aiding those who arrived in the spirit world in terror and distress at the expectations of "Judgement" and "Hell", he set about trying to tell this world of the mangled writings and errors in the New Testament and teachings of the Church, to help the souls still here. He also includes a section on the most effective way to pray. It is almost 75 years since these books were first published but help is still sorely needed.
In this book, Monsignor states, "If the whole earth world were to become psychically developed in every branch of its exposition, the earth-plane would become a very different place. First of all, think of the universal sorrowing that would vanish from the face of the earth … Your friends and relations would be ever willing to join in your many activities, ready to support you in your difficulties with their greater and wider knowledge, drawn from wise and experienced beings from the higher realms."
Product Details
- Paperback: 154 pages
- Publisher: Saturday Night Press Publications
- Language: English
- ISBN-13: 9781908421401
- Book Type: B&W 5.5 x 8.5 in or 216 x 140 mm Perfect Bound
- Price: £9.50(UK), $14.00(US)
- Also available in digital format as an e-book
1. Introductory
2. They That Mourn
3. Justice and Mercy
4. Prayer
5. The Lord's Prayer
6. Prayer Answered
7. Baptism
8. Vicarious Atonement
9. 'Thy Kingdom Come'
Introductory (the first part)
In speaking to my friends of earth once again, there is one preliminary observation that I would like to make. It is this: the spirit world is a vast place, and the activities of its inhabitants are upon a gigantic scale.
That part of the spirit world in which it is my great good fortune to live represents but an infinitesimal part of the whole, but to attempt to describe every feature of that part at any one time and within the covers of a single volume would be impossible. The problem is a common one that confronts every person who wishes to return to earth, when the opportunity presents itself, to recount his experiences of the spirit world. When the theme has been chosen, what shall be set down; what shall be omitted?
Such being the case, some of my good friends of earth are bound, in some measure, to be disappointed because I have not dealt fully enough with some point which has aroused their interest. That I very much regret, and I hope that these few preliminary words will help to make the position clear.
In the matter of the theme of these writings I have not, at any time, relied upon my own judgement. but I have been fortunate in always having at my side wise and gifted counsellors, whose experiences of life in the spirit world and of the varying conditions of communication with the earth world, are wide. These friends are constantly giving me the benefit of their sterling advice upon all matters relative to these writings, and I have in all cases followed their advice.
Hitherto we have confined our descriptions and discussions to the spirit world and the life which some of us, its inhabitants, live in these beautiful realms.
Some people on earth profess to take little or no interest in the kind of life which is led by a great community of us in spirit lands. They prefer, they would assert, something a little less 'material', a little more elevated than descriptions of delightful houses and gardens, of beautiful landscapes, of pleasant occupations and enjoyable recreations. They feel that such things do not accord with what should be their ultimate destiny in the 'life hereafter'. But I would ask such folk to devote a few quiet moments to the subject, and to ask themselves just what they feel the 'life hereafter' really ought to be, if they had the ordering of such things.
Wherein would they find their happiness? Of what nature would they wish their surroundings to be? One cannot imagine such folk being contented to spend aeons of time in the spirit world occupied in some form of spirit contemplation to the exclusion of all other forms of activity—if contemplation can, in this sense, be considered an activity at all. …
I have been advised that the time would be appropriate for me to leave for the present, at least, any further account of our life in these realms and, instead, to treat other matters of equal importance concerning our two worlds, yours and mine. But before doing so, there are one or two considerations which I should like to place before you since they have a direct bearing upon our principal theme.
You must know, then, that the spirit world has been in existence for countless millions of years of earthly time. The earth world is but a toddling infant by comparison with the seemingly incalculable age of the spirit world. Coeval with the age of the spirit world are the laws that govern it. These laws have remained constant, unvarying, invariable, and in absolute continuity of existence and operation throughout this colossal period of time. …
Beings in the exalted realms have beheld the evolution of man on earth, and they have assisted in that evolution. They have watched man's steady spiritual and material progression.
Man, as he now is, was not created upon the instant, as the Church teaches, in the image and likeness of his Creator. He was slowly and steadily evolved from a lower order of creatures. The image and likeness were to come later. …..
From Ch7. Baptism
…. It was part of my faith that as, and when, I baptised an infant so I saved that infant for the realms of heaven; that had that infant 'died' without the performance of this ceremony, or at least without the barest recital even by a layman of the few brief but essential words of the actual baptism, that child would be forever deprived of the sight of God. He would never be able to see God 'face to face'.
It did not occur to me, as I now know to be the case, that the spiritual beauty of the infant's soul was itself a part of the Father of Heaven Himself, and that no words uttered by any person upon the earth-plane could add one trace more beauty to that soul. The soul that is implanted within the child is perfect.
There is one law, at least, in the spirit world that entirely opposes the rite of baptism, and that is the law of cause and effect.
It is a bad doctrine this baptismal 'washing away of sins'. Many are the souls we have met here who were shocked to learn that scores of happy children who live in the children's realm have passed into the spirit world unbaptised. When they came to understand their new situation and the laws that govern this world, they soon realised that the spirit law that brings all the children from the earth world into their own realm in the spirit world is far, far greater than any baptismal rite. Indeed, it becomes trifling beside the truth and beauty of the children's sphere.
To retain the rite purely as a traditional symbol, as it were, of dedicating the infant to God, would be harmless, since it would involve no one in the belief of any obscure doctrines. To perform some simple ceremony of naming an infant, and at the same time to offer thanks for having emerged safely from the ordeal of child-birth,…
Amongst all the immense population of various nationalities there are millions who were not baptised when they were upon earth, millions who acknowledged allegiance to no religion, but who lived their lives according to their conscience, and who behaved towards their neighbour as they would have their neighbour behave towards them. They were unhampered by any form of religious creed when they finally arrived in the spirit world.
I have said that people are here in these realms regardless of creed. By that I mean that whatever creed such people professed when they were incarnate has made no difference to their abode in the spirit world. They have earned their abode by the kind of life they led upon the earth-plane, and by that means alone…. We can see how nation after nation for generation after generation has held on to the belief of the vital necessity of the baptismal rite as the spiritual key that will unlock the doors of the spirit world to the arriving soul.
From Ch8. 'Vicarious Atonement'
… The vastly varying and differing sects which are spread throughout the earth world, each with its numerous followers, amount in the aggregate to some hundreds of separate religious sects, and all of them claiming to have been founded upon some one injunction or another that was reputed to have been given by Jesus himself, or upon some text or other to be found elsewhere in the New Testament. …
One of the principal articles of belief among early generations of man upon earth was the belief in the absolute need of offering sacrifices to the gods. They were mostly blood sacrifices of either human beings or animals. The offering of blood, it was earnestly believed in those far-off days, was the only oblation acceptable to the gods, and the only means of appeasing their wrath.
How this could have pleased, or conciliated, or helped the particular god was one of the 'mysteries' of religion. This primitive and barbaric belief of the essential need for blood sacrifices has passed in the Christian religion, where people are still being taught upon earth that God sacrificed His only son upon the cross for the salvation of mankind.
Could any belief be of a more terribly gross nature; could any belief be ever a greater travesty of the very nature and essence of the Great Father of heaven and earth?
Could any belief be more barbaric and horrible?
Is it to be wondered at when folk say that they do not know how to love God as they are taught to do by their religious instructors, when they are told that God, the Father, demanded not only a blood sacrifice, but that the sacrificial victim should be His only son. Could this be a God of love?—is a question that would spring to the mind of any normally constituted person. … This sacrifice, ecclesiastics will tell you, was necessary for the remission of the sins of the people on earth. God demanded it, it will be affirmed. That is pure paganism—and without a vestige of truth behind it.
We are each responsible for our own sins. We must pay the penalty ourselves for any transgressions of spiritual laws; no one can do that for us. Thus is true justice administered throughout the spirit world to all alike, impartially, infallibly, and exactly.
'Redemption' cannot be bought for us. But even if 'redemption' were to be bought—by some strange mutation of spiritual laws—it would be a worthless article, because there is no individual in the spirit world, or upon earth, who could for one instant of time substantiate the claim of being a 'redeemer'. … We cannot shift on to other shoulders the weight which we must carry ourselves. But we shall have every assistance in lightening that burden, and the means to do so will be shown to us readily upon our merest wish. That is as far as any person can go. The Father of Heaven asks for no appeasement; He requires none.